Erectile Dysfunction and Pregnancy, is it possible to have children?
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Erectile Dysfunction and Pregnancy, is it possible to have children?

Erectile dysfunction or commonly called ‘male sexual impotence’ is the inability to obtain or maintain an erection adequate for satisfactory sexual intercourse.

Could it be considered a cause of infertility? The answer is yes, but we must keep in mind that it can be treated. Currently, urology provides effective solutions to this problem, depending of the cause, from drug treatments, always determining by the urologist that there are no ejaculation disorders. In these cases, a urological consultation with a complete examination is required. 

Could it be found during the partner’s pregnancy? It is not uncommon and mostly in these cases; it is usually due to a psychological problem rather than a physical one, except in cases with a definite organic cause. Psychological factors such as depression and anxiety often contribute to erectile dysfunction. When depression is effectively treated and goes away, sexual dysfunction also returns to normal and improves. On the other hand, it should be noted that some medications used for treatment can cause sexual dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction or weak erection causes

The causes may be related to the patient’s illnesses such as cardiovascular and respiratory disorders, endocrine-metabolic disorders, neurological disorders, psychological or psycho-social alterations, a history of trauma or previous surgery, toxic habits, drug use, etc.

In many cases, the cause’s management can redirect the problem, and in others, when this is not achieved, individualised treatment by the urologist is required.

Relation between erectile dysfunction and fertility

The relationship between erectile dysfunction and fertility can be limiting; if penetration is impossible, it can make pregnancy impossible; however, there are treatments for this that have proven to be effective.

Fertility treatments according to the dysfunction causes

Erectile dysfunction treatments must be individualised in relation to fertility treatments, taking into account the degree of impotence, the patient’s age, the cause and the objective. In addition, it must be considered whether there are disorders associated with ejaculation and the entire sexual sphere. This requires an exhaustive evaluation. Once this has been carried out, an assessment will be made as to whether they require oral medication (phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors such as sildenafil, vardenafil, tadalafil, with a different profile for each patient) intraurethral, vasoactive injections and even prosthesis surgery in some cases.

Finally, it is important during pregnancy to respect and care for sexuality, both as a source of pleasure and as a means of strengthening the couple’s union and communication, especially in this situation of anxiety.

Dr Luis Prieto(MD Associated no. 03-7707-6), urologist at Instituto Bernabeu

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